Date and Time
Fri, 21st Feb, 2025 - Sun, 23rd Feb, 2025 at 10:00 - 17:00
A two day basket weaving workshop suitable for beginners or those with experience.
Whether you’re new to weaving with willow or have experience you’ll be sure to enjoy creating your own woven handbag or shoulder bag with Helen who will spend a day guiding you through each stage of the process, supporting you to achieve a basket you will be proud of. There will be a choice of colourful willow varieties and different materials for the straps allowing you to make a unique woven bag. A small additional charge will be made for the strap with a choice of leather, webbing or cork.
Plant Fibre Baskets
This day will introduce you into the world of weaving with soft plant materials and tree barks. With plenty of scope for exploration and experimentation you will have a wonderful selection of materials to work with, hand harvested by Mollie from her garden and local landscape. Included will be discussion about sustainable harvesting techniques, storage and preparation of materials giving you scope to start thinking about your own harvesting possibilities where you live, for future basket making. You will learn a number of different weaving and basketry skills, such as twining, plaiting and cordage making and be introduced to a variety of techniques to create bases and borders. The shape and style of your basket will be unique to you and reflect how your hands and thoughts interact with the materials.
Accommodation will be in the Georgian Stables at Hellens Manor. Single rooms with shared facilities and spacious living and kitchen area.
Food will be home-cooked and plentiful, we can cater for any dietary requirements please make these known prior to the event. Refreshments will be available all day.
The price (£375 for the full weekend) includes tuition, materials and tools, food, drink and accommodation.
Places are limited to 10 and are on a first come first served basis. Cancellations accepted until 21st January 2025.
For more information email:, or call 01531 660504.
This event is fully booked.